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Using DevSecOps to Optimize Your Workforce

At Strongbridge, DevSecOps is at the core of much of what we do. Our AgileBridge™, solution for providing DevSecOps services has two primary focus areas; the first building a collaborative culture of subject matter (SME) and the second provides the team with a core set of tools that maximize the use of automation.

Our work with DevSecOps spans the fields of transportation, safety systems and systems supporting labor laws. Our team is also currently CMMI Level 3-certified in both software development and services.

The benefits of our AgileBridge™ solution include leveraging the multidisciplinary skillset of our team to provide software solutions that are quicker to build and more secure in their release state, security requirements that increase the resiliency and availability of the software for the mission, as well as a more efficient deployment of the solution!

Learn more about our DevSecOps solutions.
